
A super easy way to add free and paid membership functionality to your Webflow and SquareSpace websites.

What is Memberstack?

Memberstack is a platforms that lets you turn your simple brochure site, into a full fledged membership site. When you add Memberstack to your Webflow site, you can block certain pages from the general public, and make those pages only accessible to people who have an account with you. Memberstack handles the account creation, login, forgot password, and payment processing β€” all you need to do is create the pages for your members.

Why we use Memberstack

Memberstack is intuitive. You'd think adding membership capabilities would be a big undertaking, but you can knock it out in only a few hours with Memberstack. Their tutorials, documentation, and support make everything really straight forward. In addition to creating a general "members area", they also have creative ways to provide unique experiences for individual users β€” so each user will have their own data and information presented to them after login.

There is another big player in the membership space called Memberspace (I know, kinda confusing). We've chosen to use Memberstack because of their support within the Webflow community, as well as we felt the interface and user experience appeared more modern and intuitive. That said, we can't speak to Memberspace beyond what we've seen on their marketing site.

Our take on Memberstack

Overall we're super pleased with Memberstack. Their tool is intuitive, powerful and adds much needed functionality to simple brochure sites. With Memberstack you can unlock significant commercial potential with your site and content. This is one of the tools in the no code space that can help makers generate revenue, build community and create impressive software platforms themeselves.

There are a few things to be aware of when digging into Memberstack

  1. Many website builders are starting to incorporate membership functionality into their platforms. SquareSpace for example now let's you create membership areas for an additional fee.
  2. The amount of information you have on users is somewhat limited with Memberstack. For example, you can't see when a user last logged in, how often they log in, etc. So you would have to lean on other tools to handle this for you (possibly Intercom.)
  3. Memberstack is completely rebuilding their platform. This is great in the long run as they will be able to add more features (see #2)... but probably won't have many platform updates in 2021? (the release of the new version is their primary focus right now).

Learn more about Memberstack

Visit the Memberstack website to learn more, get pricing and see if Memberstack is right for you.

Visit the Memberstack Website

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